Friday, December 19, 2014


6 Essential Men's Grooming Products



Work hard, party harder. The aforementioned quote almost defines the lifestyle of young professional gentlemen. They spend more than 40 hours per week making a living, and when the awaited weekend arrives, these bachelors stay up until the wee hours of the morning, partying . 
This type of lifestyle will definitely take a toll on anyone’s body. However, if you have no plans of stopping this grand way of living, you need to stock up on certain products and resolve grooming problems that will keep you looking and smelling fresh all the time.

LAB Series All-in-one Face Treatment 

Here you’ll get a fantastic smelling face moisturizer that would offset the effects of heavy smoking, drinking and stress. Using the product after your morning shower and before going to bed will help your skin maintain its softness and natural glow. If you do not want to come into the office looking like a dead man after a weekend of partying, put this product at the top of your list.
LAB Series
LAB Series

Bulldog Original Body Lotion 

Skin care does not stop on your face; you have the rest of your body to worry about. Good thing there’s Bulldog skincare to help you in that department. This minimalist men’s lotion is crammed with skin nourishing ingredients like cocoa butter, aloe vera and avocado oil. For best results, apply the product daily. Try it and discover why Bulldog took home Men’s Health’s Rising Brand of the Year honor.

Crest 3D White Mouth Wash 

When you are out in the club, it’s tough not to drink and smoke at the same time. However, there comes that one a million moment when an attractive young lady is ready to lock eyes with you. When that happens, you need something that will stop her from running away as soon as you open your mouth. This product gets the job done by whitening your teeth and killing bad breath germs. All you need to do is gargle for 30 seconds. After that, feel free to work your magic.
"Whitening your teeth and killing bad breath"
"Whitening your teeth and killing bad breath"

American Crew Hair Pomade 

For £7, it seems like this American product is a rip-off. Nonetheless, give this hair styling agent a chance, and you will understand why it’s part of the list. First, you only need to apply a little dab to fix your hair so it will definitely last longer than expected. Second, it smells awesome; your lady will not get enough of its masculine scent. Most importantly, it gives your hair a great hold and shine. With this product, you can wear your hair like a proud, sexy stallion.
American Crew
American Crew

Gold Bond Powder 

It doesn’t matter if you are a good-looking chap. Nothing gets the ladies out of your front door faster than a pair of feet smelling like a stinky cheese. To keep that utterly embarrassing moment from ever happening to you, spend £3.63 for this product. After showering, completely towel dry your feet before applying a generous amount. Wear your socks as soon as every inch of your feet is covered to seal in the freshness.
Gold Bond
Gold Bond

Troubadour Leather Wash Bag 

You need to have a bag where you can stuff all of these essential products so you can take them wherever you go. For £295, you can carry this classy, handmade waterproof bag made with the finest Italian leather. It’s small enough to fit the size of your palm but large enough to carry every single item on the list.

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